小编:环小球 264托福口语备考很多学生都知道自己进入了一些误区,执着于细节,忘了速度,这个是很多托福考生在备考托福口语的时候,会触及的一个误区,这个错误经常出现在口语的综合题型中。在口语中,对于读到的和听到的材料过分注重细节,可能会影响最后的得分。我也曾因为不想漏掉琐碎的细节,使得自己的口语成绩过低。
Method of Loci
The method of loci is a method of memorizing information by placing each item to be remembered at a point along an imaginary journey. The information can then be recalled in a specific order by retracing the same route through the imaginary journey. Loci is the plural for of the Latin word, locus, meaning place or location. The method of loci is also called the Journey Method by Dominic O'Brien, and the imaginary journeys are often referred to as Memory Palaces, Memory Journeys, or Memory Spaces. See also Mind Palace, the term used in the TV show, Sherlock.
我试图1:1还原阅读材料中的所有point,对于细节的过度执着,让我反而无法将听到的内容完全表达出来。这段文字的重点,是介绍这种记忆方法。因此只需要把 “The method of loci is a method of memorizing information by placing each item to be remembered at a point along an imaginary journey. The information can then be recalled in a specific order by retracing the same route through the imaginary journey.”放在开头作为你讲述的Topic sentence,这样可以为你节省很多宝贵的时间,去描述你听到的内容。
那么还有一种更好的方式就是对阅读内容进行一句话的总结:“the reading is about method of loci, which is a way of memorizing things. And the professor in the lecture gives his personal experience as an example…"如果这样说,就可以有更多的时间,更专注于听力材料,将更多的得分内容转述出来。这样做完全能够获得高分,不必怀疑和担心。因为我的托福口语成绩大幅度提升,反而是在我开始放弃对阅读材料执着的时候,你如果也存在类似的疑惑,可以试试我的这个方法。