1. 欧洲城市design的历史
2. water bug亲代抚育
3. 鸟类生态学,森林破碎化导致候鸟没栖息地
4. 古埃及的尼罗河和农业
In college, some students tend to regularly review their notes, while others like to review their notes just before tests. State your choice and explain why.
Task 2
用户宣传,可以让用户使用新产品,把他们说这个产品如何好的话语,放在广告里,从而买更多产品2. 女生问下个学年柜子不变是否可以把东西留在柜子里,结果发现柜子因为一年一度的清扫而已经被清空。
2. 火星上的沼气
1. Reading the newspaper from the school newspaper’s view of the student2. Listening to the students(e.g. speeches or interview)3. Getting through the recommendation from the teachers who teach the students1. Dome are not unique enough for dinosaurs to recognize each other2. Domes are fragile, easily become pieces3. Not clear, not true: male--larger skull, female--smaller skull, size depend on age