环球天下教育科技集团总裁 张永琪
Dear Global Education colleagues,
I am writing to wish you all a very warm welcome to Pearson – and to say just how delighted we all are at the prospect of Global Education joining the Pearson family (that’s all 36,000 of us working in 70 countries around the world.)
Pearson is the world’s largest, and most international, education company. Our aim is to combine the very best pedagogy and educational content with ground breaking assessment & technology in ways that make learning more effective and helps students to be more successful. We are also about education in the wider sense of the word – as well as all our activities directly related to teaching, learning & assessment, we are also the proud owners of the Financial Times and Penguin publishing groups.
As Pearson grows and expands globally, China is one of our key areas of focus. For more than 40 years, Pearson has been working to meet the rapidly growing demand for high quality education across China. We now employ more than 3,000 people in China, our largest group of Pearson colleagues outside the US, and this number will grow significantly with the addition of the Global Education team. One of our key strategies is to be the world’s pre-eminent provider of English language learning content, technology and services and we are directing these efforts from China.
As we have come to know your business, we strongly believe that our goal of helping people make progress in their lives through learning, along with our commitment to quality education around the world, is shared by all of you. Together I hope we can offer the very best English language training in China.
Over the next few months, it will be really important that we take the time to get to know each other better. In the meantime, it’s business as usual and the best way of ensuring that we make a great start is by you all continuing to do what you do so brilliantly each day, delivering an efficient and valuable service to all our learners.
Best wishes,
John Fallon
Chief Executive
欲了解更多信息,请访问 http://www.gedu.org
培生教育是全球领先的教育集团,已有 150多年的历史。我们致力于为教育工作者和各年龄层的学生提供优质的教育内容、教育信息技术、测试及测评、职业认证,以及所有与教育相关的服务。
培生教育已遍布全球 60多个国家。旗下拥有在各个学科备受瞩目的教育品牌,包括 Longman,Prentice Hall,Scott Foresman, Addison-Wesley, 以及 Benjamin Cummings等。
![]() | 培生教育集团是全球领先的教育公司。从学前教育到高等教育、从基础教育到高等职业认证,培生教育的教材、多媒体教学软件和测试系统覆盖全球用户上亿人-数量超出任何其它私人公司。 |
![]() | 培生拥有最具国际化的商业和政治新闻及分析资源。培生的报纸和在线服务网络为四百多万商务人士和投资者的决策提供信息,所覆盖国家超过任何其他公司。 |
![]() | 培生集团的企鹅标志是世界公认的知名品牌,以出版高质量的小说、经典名著和通俗作品著称。出版范围包括小说类和非小说类、畅销书和经典名著、儿童读物和插图系列丛书,出版到全世界100多个国家。 |
培生教育拥有全球领先的 E-learning电子学习系统和考试开发、测试及测评系统,为世界各地的教育机构、公司企业和专业机构提供个性化服务。
早在 20世纪 60年代,培生教育就已开始与中国合作,并将这一持续发展的伙伴关系带入了 21世纪。目前,已在中国开展业务的培生教育子公司包括:培生教育出版、英国爱德思、纽约金融学院、培生语言考试中心、Longman School和华尔街英语。随着北京、上海和广州等地办公室的设立,以及各子公司在中国业务的迅速发展,培生教育在中国的发展和合作进入了空前广泛和深入的阶段。
欲了解更多信息,请访问 http://www.pearson.com