小编:白丽 372一直以来经历过无数英语考试的考生们是否都听过一句话:开头段与结尾段是阅卷老师比较看重的一部分!所以正在准备托福考试的考生要注意啦,大家必须要好好准备开头和结尾段。环球教育小编为大家介绍了托福写作开头模板怎么用。
Perhaps no issue in this world is as significant to xx(ex:people's success) as xx(ex: education).
Despite various responses people may have on the topic that xx( ex:which thing should the education aim at).
I, given the chance, prefer to endorse that xx(ex:preparing for careers should have primary
Asked what...will do to ..., some xx(ex:teachers) may answer: xx.
Admittedly, xx plays a vital part in xx(ex:person’s success and happiness).But actually, I think that...
适用于agree or disagree的问题 。
Adj(Marvelous) as it looks at first sight, xx(ex:modern technology) does not xx(ex:help students learn information at a greater speed and with higher efficiency ) in most cases; or it could work towards the opposite direction which led xx(ex:students to lose their initiative to learn and explore.)
一上来直接问题的转述:xxxx(ex:Can we know a person through the types of friends he has)?
当然,可以转述为 Asked whether(xxx).
Different people will give different answers to this question from their own characters, emotional concerns and even educational backgrounds.However, when it comes to me, I firmly believe that...
这个适用于所有问题。。观点对比型(live in small town or live in big city?)
甚至来个简单的:I support the idea that...
最后一句来一个:To better illustrate my point of view, I list several reasons as follows.