小编:环球教育整理 14588. The author is primarily concerned with
(A) showing that a certain interpretation is better supported by the evidence than is an alternative explanation
(B) developing an alternative interpretation by using sources of evidence that formerly had been unavailable
(C) questioning the accuracy of the evidence that most scholars have used to counter the author‘s own interpretation
(D) reviewing the evidence that formerly had been thought to obscure a valid interpretation
(E) presenting evidence in support of a controversial version of an earlier interpretation.
选 A
A 作者没有否认 “ 农民不满 ” 这个事实,而是对 F 提出的解释提出了质疑,他先是用证据(句 2)否定了作者的证据(F 认为没有新地了,实际上一直有),然后提出了自己的解释,是新的国际贸易格局中,萧条波及了仍然有地的国家,导致产品价格一直下跌,农民才不满。
关于萧条再说几句,粗糙地理解,萧条就是有粮食卖不出去。对于国内农业 frontier 已经关闭的国家,也就是原有的土地上产出的粮食的价格受影响;对于仍然不断开垦新地的国家(比如十九世纪晚期美国),形势是粮食本来就卖不出去,还增加供给(垦种新地,增产),那可以想象价格就会一直走低,越跌越低,农民当然不开心。
9. According to the author, changes in the conditions of international trade resulted in an
(A) underestimation of the amount of new land that was being famed in the United States
(B) underutilization of relatively small but rich plots of land
(C) overexpansion of the world transportation network for shipping agricultural products
(D) extension of agrarian depressions beyond national boundaries
(E) emphasis on the importance of market forces in determining the prices of agricultural products
选 D
见句 5,“Consequently, agrarian depressions no longer were local or national in scope, and they struck several nations whose internal frontiers had not vanished or were not about to vanish.”
本句的 nations 当然包括美国,因为句 2 明确告诉我们,美国整个十九世纪及以后一直有 new lands 。
10. The author implies that, after certain territories and countries had been joined into an interdependent market system in the nineteenth century, agrarian depressions within that system
(A) spread to several nations, excluding those in which the internal frontier remained open
(B) manifested themselves in several nations, including those in which new land remained available for farming
(C) slowed down the pace of new technological developments in international communications and transportation
(D) affected the local and national prices of the nonagricultural products of several nations
(E) encouraged several nations to sell more of their agricultural products on foreign markets
选 B
见句 4、5、6 。
11. The author‘s argument implies that, compared to the yearly price changes that actually occurred on foreign agricultural markets during the 1880‘s, American farmers would have most preferred yearly price changes that were
(A) much smaller and in the same direction
(B) much smaller but in the opposite direction
(C) slightly smaller and in the same direction
(D) similar in size but in the opposite direction
(E) slightly greater and in the same direction
选 D
让我们推测,1880 年代的美国农民,希望价格怎么变,用脚想都知道,他们希望价格大涨,他们好赚钱。
changes (价格)波动,文中我们知道,美国农民一直不满,价格一直在跌,所以只能从 opposite direction 里选,淘汰 ACE,B 是“涨一点(比跌幅小得多)”,D 是“跟跌幅程度差不多的涨幅”。当然选 D 。好,穿袜子吧。