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  在雅思口语考试中,Part 1 与Part 2的实质都是讨论生活中各方面的话题,如休闲娱乐,技能爱好,家人朋友等。但其实,Part 1与Part 2话题往往会有重叠,只是答案长度不同而已。

  而如今,很多考生在备考时,却忽略Part 1的重要性,直接准备Part 2话题的表达,其实这是个大大误区。一旦考官发现考生Part 1不知所云,Part 2振振有词,极有可能怀疑考生是死记硬背的答案,那么分数一般不超过5分。事实上,Part 2实质就是多个Part 1组合。同时需要注意的是,在组合的同时需要适当加入过渡句。因此,如果考生可以做到会用语言表达各种话题的Part 1问题,那么在应对Part 2类似或相关话题时就会自如许多。以张同学为例,他在考试前只准备了Part 1的一些话题,而在考试时也可轻松应对Part 2话题,如:

  Part 1 常考话题

  1. 家乡

  l Where are you from?

  ----Well, I was born and raised (here) in Shenyang which is a developed city. It’s quite well-known for the Qing Dynasty history, we still preserve the historic buildings such as the Shenyang Imperial Palace and Beiling Royal Park. What’s more, we are also rich in flavored local food such as Laobian Dumplings and pickled Chinese cabbages.

  l How is the transport system there?

  ----The transport system is well-built(建设的很好); I mean, there are wider roads and more bus lanes; besides, we are extending the subway lines. But it’s still inconvenient sometimes; especially(尤其是) during rush hours. I think people should reduce the use of private cars and take more public transport. In this way (以这样的方式), people can travel more easily.

  2. 住所

  l Are you living in a flat or a house?

  ----Currently, I’m living in a flat, located in the downtown(市中心). It’s on the 10th floor of a high-rise building(高层建筑). It’s also a modern building built in 2010.

  l What does it look like?

  ----My flat is quite airy and spacious. There are several rooms such as a living room(客厅), three bedrooms(卧室), a study(书房), a kitchen(厨房)and a bathroom(卫生间). Besides, my flat is decorated(装饰)in a fancy style(时尚风格) including (包括)European style furniture(家具), and delicate paintings(精致画). It’s really cosy and warm(温暖舒适).

  l What’s your favorite part?

  ----I particularly like (特别喜欢) the European-style furniture and the crystal chandeliers(水晶灯) which make my flat deluxe(奢华的). What’s more, my favorite part is the balcony, where I have planted some lovely flowers. When they come into blossom(开花), I usually feel a sense of fulfillment.

  l Which part do you want to improve in it?

  ----Generally speaking(总的来讲), I’m satisfied with my flat. The only thing I want to improve is the bathroom. I really hope to put a bathtub in it so that I can take a bubble bath when I’m tired. That will be awesome (极好的).

  组合成Part 2 话题:

  Describe an ideal house you want to live in.

  You should say: Where will it be?

  What will it look like?

  What kind of features will it have?

  And explain why you want to live there?

  Sample Answers:

  ----Well, I’d like to buy a house in a developed city. And I hope that my ideal house will be located in the downtown, which means the transport system is well-built. There are wider roads and more bus lanes; and I can get wherever I want to go without much trouble.

  ----I expect that my house will be quite airy and spacious. There will be plenty of rooms including a living room, several bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen as well as a study. I will decorate it in an European style. I particularly like European-style furniture and crystal chandeliers which can make my flat deluxe.

  ----What’s more, I’ll plant some lovely flowers on my balcony. When they come into blossom, I will feel a sense of fulfillment. Besides, I really hope to put a bathtub in my bathroom so that I can take a bubble bath when I’m tired. That will be awesome.

  ----If possible, I hope there will be some gardens around my neighborhood. Then when I’m free, I can do some outdoor sports such as jogging or playing tennis with my friends to totally unwind.

  由此可见,如果考生掌握了Part 1 的话题广度及深度,可以完全通过举一反三的方式应用于Part 2语段中。因此,环球雅思提醒考生千万不要忽略了Part 1的重要性。



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